A team of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which arrived at the West Bengal Police Headquarters on Wednesday, is still waiting to get the custody of TMC strongman Sheikh Shahjahan, who is facing allegations of sexual abuse and land grabbing in the Sandeshkhali. The Calcutta High Court earlier...
Read MoreMadras High Court on Wednesday refused pleas seeking quo warranto writs against Udhayanidhi Stalin, Sekar Babu and A Raja continuing in public office in light of the light of Sanatana Dharma row. Quo Warranto is a writ or legal action requiring a person to show by what warrant an...
Read MoreBengaluru is grappling with an alarming water scarcity crisis well before the summer season with numerous areas across the city experiencing severe shortages. Residents are battling to get water for their essential needs in the heart of India’s Silicon Valley. A local, Suresh told ANI, “For 6 months, this...
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